
Alchemy Pottery by Olivia Siegel

I was lucky enough to work while on the road with my husband who is a traveling musician. We spent some time in Putney, Vermont, near Bennington, where he went to college. I got to spend the morning with a beautiful potter, on her property, in her gorgeous (and handbuilt) studio. It was such a grounding experience, after a week on the road, to be still with her in her bright and creative space. Thanks, Fiona Morehouse!

Hugo by Olivia Siegel

As a new transplant to Asheville, I've reached out to a handful of photographers in an effort to network with other local creatives. I found Hugo, a passionate photographer who specializes in landscape images (check him out here), on the West Asheville Exchange and we meet periodically with another photographer to talk shop and brainstorm. Last week we went on a photography field trip and these are a few portraits I snapped of him that day.

Knitting by Olivia Siegel

Well, my best friend is a knitter. And you know, I'm a knitter too. We like to get together and eat fresh crusty bread with soft buttery cheese, sip Colorado whiskey, and try not to drop a stitch. We knit. We purl. We frog. We Rav.

Do you pore over finished objects in Ravelry before choosing your materials to ensure your sweater/hat/cowl will have the perfect gauge/halo/drape? Do you spend hundreds of dollars on Shibui yarn? Woolfolk? Mad-tosh? Malabrigo? Spend hours and hours knitting an incredible garment? And then do you share that piece of craftwork with the world by quickly snapping a few phone pics? Feature your garment the way it deserves to be! In just a one hour shoot we can capture at least ten finished objects, styled, and out in the world. Contact me for pricing or questions.